Thursday 11 January 2007

Gone with the wind

Today was the day that I meet up with John for our monthly run together. We decided to run the 7.58km Park Green and Dingle Loop (map).

Due to the severe gale force winds, our 5.00km split time was 23:40.

My overall completion time was 36:11.

It is always nice to have a running buddy to give you that little bit more motivation, especially during those tough moments.

Previous Times

Fri 10-Nov-2006 in 34:00
Mon 13-Nov-2006 in 36:23
Thu 16-Nov-2006 in 36:29

The Stats

Time: 36:11
Distance: 7.58km (4.71 miles)

Average Speed: 12.569kmh (7.810mph)
Average Pace: 4:46 per km (7:41 per mile)

Heart rate: HRavg 161, HRmax 212!, and 555 kcals

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