Friday, 11 January 2008

Hillside Run

Hillside Farm Track (First Stile)
Registered Public Right of Way

For a bit of a change, I ran the shorter 4.19km Hillside Run on a cold and quite windy afternoon.

The Hillside Run was very muddy and slippy in places and I had to give way to speed in order to stay on my feet.

The two stiles that you have to climb over both on the outward and inward parts of the run were wet and slippy and it was more important to slow down and carefully clamber over them rather than risking potential injury.

My outward time was 9:42 and my inward time was 9:47, giving a total time of 19:29 for the 4.19km distance.

Fitness Stats

Start Time: 2:46 pm
Distance: 4.19 km
Duration: 19:29

Speed: 12.90 km/h
Pace: 4:39 per km

288 kcals, 160 HRavg, 170 HRmax

MP3: Mika

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