Friday, 29 June 2007
6.41km Multi-Combination Run
After my 4.45km Park Loop soaking on Monday, 6.32km Park/Broomfield v1 on Tuesday, 6.50km Park/Broomfields v2 on Wednesday, and 9.02km Gorse Loop just yesterday, I was feeling a little tired in the legs.
I was however determined to put in another descent effort in today and again wanted to run a completely different route, so I ran a multi-combination of many other routes I have previously run and also included a new link path between Blackcap Road and Green Lane.
The reason why I have run generally longer distances this week, is that next week I only plan to run two small runs at an easy pace which will be a cool down just before my Referees' Fitness Test on Sunday 8th July.
The Route
My run started at the bus stop at St. Matthew's School, running westbound just passed the Church, turning right onto the Old Roman Road pathway, but instead of continuing on towards London Road, I instead took the path between the Pewterspear Green Road that connect back up to the Old Oak Walkway near to its end.
On reaching the Dipping Brook Avenue, instead of running straight on towards Stoneacre Gardens, I ran up the Dipping Brook Avenue hill and continued over the roundabout down to the Blackcap Road roundabout, taking the longest route around the roundabout itself.
I then ran uphill along Blackcap Road until reaching the left-hand link path towards Green Lane. On reaching Green Lane, I turned left until reaching the Pillars (usually the Park Loop 2km mark) pathway near Rosemoor Gardens. I took this path, following it until Stonearce Gardens just beyond Cann Lane. I then took the mini-link path to Longwood Road, turning right towards the Old Pewterspear Lane.
I headed down the Old Pewterspear Garden path until its conclusion at London Road. I then continued along London Road until reaching the Cat & Lion traffic lights. At these lights I turned left along Stretton Road until reaching the bus stop finish where I started my run.
The Stats
Total distance of 6.41km (3.98 miles) completed in 30:12 giving an average speed of 12.74kmh and an average pace of 4:43 per km.
Start: 1:37 pm
Time: 30:12 Multi-Combination Loop (Gmap route)
Distance: 6.41km (3.98m)
Average speed: 12.74kmh (7.91mph)
Average pace: 4:43 per km (7:35 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 159, HRmax 168, and 443kcals
Thursday, 28 June 2007
9.02km Adventurous Gorse Loop
Having viewed The Google Maps of the Stretton and surrounding area, I discovered a farm path near Stud Farm on the Lumb Brook Road that extends for 2km (known as The Gorse) that brings you out again on Witherwin Avenue that eventually brings you out to Broom Avenue and then Lyons Lane.
So, I set out on the Park Loop, taking the right-hand turn at Green Lane, up Dodd's Lane that brings you out onto Lumb Brook Road. I then took the above new route and then...
Using the Lyons/Chalfont path I recently discovered that connects Longwood Road, I then took the link path between Longwood Road and Dudlow Green Road and then the subsequent link path to the Old Pewterspear Lane. From there, I ran the remainder of the Park Loop to the finish, completing a distance of 9.02km in 42:21 giving an average speed of 12.78kmh and an average pace of 4:42 per km.
It is a very hilly and in places difficult circuit, but I enjoyed it and would definitely run it again.
Start: 12:45 pm
Time: 42:21 Gorse Loop (Gmap route)
Distance: 9.02km (5.60m)
Average speed: 12.74kmh (7.94mph)
Average pace: 4:42 per km (7:33 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 159, HRmax 166, and 624kcals
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
6.50km Slight variation on yesterday's run
So, Park Loop up to and including Green Lane, then right into Longwood Road until reaching the top of this path. I then ran down it for a fair distance only to find the route going around the Cricket Ground was blocked by a fence (which appears as one continuous path in the Warrington A-Z). The path did however branch right onto Chalfont Close that led down to Lyons Lane.
Today, I spotted this elusive path from Lyons Lane end. It had a large metal gate preventing public access!
After that, I used the same route as yesterday, running up Hall Drive, through Beachways, along Dunlow Green, before turning left onto London Road. I then followed London Road to the Cat & Lion traffic lights, turning left into Stretton Road, continuing until reaching the bus stop finish just before St. Matthew's School (Gmap of route). Total distance was 6.50km (4.04 miles).
Start: 1:45 pm
Time: 30:37 Park/Broomfields Loop [variation] (Gmap route)
Distance: 6.50km (4.04m)
Average speed: 12.74kmh (7.92mph)
Average pace: 4:43 per km (7:35 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 159, HRmax 166, and 450kcals
Blood Pressure Test
This blood pressure test is required no earlier than 14 days prior to my Contributory Assistant Referees' Fitness Test which is on Sunday 8th July 2007 from 9:00am onwards at Wigan.
I will be required to run a minimum of 2,500 metres [12.5kmh average speed] within 12 minutes (which used to be a minimum of 2,700 metres [13.5kmh average speed]). This is followed by 2 x 50 metre sprints in under 7.5 seconds each.
Without an authenticated blood pressure test not exceeding 160 over 95, I will not be able to undertake the fitness test and will not be invited back as a Contributory League Assistant Referee next season.
My blood pressure reading was 120 over 70. Now all that remains is for me to turn up at Wigan on the day and pass the fitness test.
Last Year's Blood Pressure results.
Last Year's Fitness Test.
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
A new route...
I was trying to find this path off Lyons Lane, but missed it and ended up...
...climbing back uphill up Hall drive, through the housing estate of Beachways, along Dunlow Green that Joins London Road.
Left onto London Road and continuing until the Cat & Lion Lights, turning left at Stretton Road until reaching the bus stop finish just before St. Matthew's School.
Completion time of 28:53, giving a respectable average speed of 13.13kmh (8.16mph) considering there were a few uphill climbs to take into consideration. Today's overall pace was 4:34 per km (7:21 per mile).
Start: 1:39 pm
Time: 28:53 Park/Broomfields Loop (Gmap route)
Distance: 6.32km (3.93m)
Average speed: 13.13kmh (8.16mph)
Average pace: 4:34 per km (7:21 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 159, HRmax 167, and 424kcals
Monday, 25 June 2007

Not me!
I got well a truely soaked running around the Park Loop today. For the first 2km, it rained directly into my face aided on by the wind.
Today was not about running in a good time, it instead was all about getting extremely wet.
You really appreciate the nice warm shower afterwards.
Gmaps Pedometer now has Satellite detail around Stretton (Park Loop Gmap), something only added recently as you can see by the zig-zags outside St. Matthews School, as these zig-zags have only been there for about two months.
Start: 1:45 pm
Time: 21:20 Park Loop
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 12.52kmh (7.78mph)
Average pace: 4:48 per km (7:43 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 155, HRmax 161, and 300kcals
Other Gmaps:
Hillside Run (4.19km)
Appleton New Lane Loop (7.50km)
Sandymoor incorporating Bogg Wood (5.34km)
Sandymoor Warmdown (1.38km)
Friday, 22 June 2007
Slow Long rather than a Fast Short
Considering that I worked right through lunch yesterday and I missed out on a run, today I decided to go for a slower longer run rather than a fast shorter run.
So, I selected the Appleton New Lane Loop which I have only run once before. It is 7.50km (4.66 miles) in distance which I completed in a reasonable time of 35:20, averaging 12.74kmh (7.91mph) with a pace of 4:43 per km (7:35 per mile).
Gmap of route
Start:1:41 pm
Time: 35:20 Appleton New Lane Loop
Distance: 7.50km (4.66m)
Average speed: 12.736 (7.914m)
Average pace: 4:43 per km (7:35 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 158, HRmax 165, and 515kcals
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
It's only an extra 150 metres!
It is in fact 4.60km which is only an additional 150 metres longer than the standard Park Loop circuit, albeit, you do have to run that 150 metres uphill which does slow you down. Then the downhill part to Green Lane is a very winding path that does not allow you to pick up too much pace to compensate.
I managed to complete the course 46 seconds faster than yesterday's effort with a time of 21:12.
Start: 1:47 pm
Time: 21:12 Park Loop (Dipping Brook Variation)
Distance: 4.60 km (2.86 m)
Average speed: 13.019 kmh (8.090 mph)
Average pace: 4:37 per km (7:25 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 162, HRmax 170, and 322kcals
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Park Loop (Dipping Brook variation)
We did the Park Loop with a slight variation whereby when we reached the Dipping Brook Avenue, instead of running across it, we turned right and ran up the hill until we reached Cann Lane, turning left until the right-hand turn path that eventually drops down to Green Lane, rejoining the standard Park Loop circuit once again.
This route is a bit further than the standard 4.45km, however, until I NavMan it tomorrow, I cannot be certain of its distance...
Now confirmed as 4.60km.
Start: 1:01 pm
Time: 21:58 Park Loop
Distance: 4.60 km (2.86 m)
Average speed: 12.564 kmh (7.807 mph)
Average pace: 4:47 per km (7:41 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 157, HRmax 170, and 315kcals
Monday, 18 June 2007
Muggy Park Loop
I started well, or perhaps too fast for today as it was extremely muggy.
Just before the first kissing gate (the metal ones), leading to the Oak Walkway, a yappy gog on a extended lead attempted to nip my ankles. It's owner pulled him back and I ran around the little mut. I still got to the 250 metre checkpoint in 52 seconds - told you I started too quickly!
My 500 metre checkpoint time was 2:01, the 750 metre 2:55, and 1km 4:03. I did have to dodge two people taking up the whole path at the 750-ish metre point and an older couple at the 900 metre point who were also taking up the whole path - which cost me time.
I arrived at the mile mark at 6:52, having started to slow and feel the humidity. Just after the mile mark I had to dodge my second dog. Not good eh?
My 2km time was 8:29, which was OK, but it was obvious that I was now feeling it. The halfway time was 9:30.
I arrived at Pewterspear Garden Path in a time of 12:10, having to dodge the same old couple for a second time who had cut-through from the point I last saw them. They did say "sorry".
Whilst running down the Pewterspear Garden Path, there was a van which was almost blocking the entire path's width. This sometime happens at that particular [last] house, which is very inconsiderate to all walkers, cyclists, and runners. I had to dodge around his wing-mirror sideways whilst avoiding the nettles at my feet and the bushes at my side. Another slowing factor - if I had not had my fair share already.
I exited the Pewterspear Garden Path in 16:10, which meant it would be extremely unlikely for me to make a sub-20 today, as I need at best 4 minutes from this point to finish.
What did not help, is that I usually can run across Longwood Road without any trouble, but two cars meant that I was held up until they had driven by.
For the remaining 800 metres, there were no more "things" that got in my way and I just ran it in until the finish. My overall time, with all things considered was 20:32. It was a difficult run today both physically and mentally with plenty of obsticles that just happened to get in my way - which did not help.
Start: 3:08 pm
Time: 20:32 Park Loop
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.003kmh (8.080mph)
Average pace: 4:37 per km (7:26 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 163, HRmax 169, and 319kcals
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Unexpected Run...
The idea was that my Mother-in-Law and wife would drive back and my Father-in-Law and I would walk the 1.7 miles back home pushing Jessica Mae in her buggy.
We set off for our walk at 6:44pm, waving at my wife and Mother-in-Law as they drove out of the Red Lion car park and disappeared into the distance.
At 6:56pm and only 0.7 miles into our walk, my mobile rang. It was my wife. She said, "Have you got the house keys?!"
So, at 6:57pm and exactly one-mile from home, having just eaten a whole load of pasta with sundried tomotoes washed down with two pints of beer, wearing my jeans, a thickish T-shirt, and some casual slip-on shoes [trainer-type], I began to sprint home. Approximately 7 minutes later, all hot and bothered I arrive home with the keys.
Not the 7-ish minute mile that I had planned I must say!
Jessica Mae and her Granddad arrived 20 or so minutes later.
Friday, 15 June 2007
Not in the mood, but...
I definitely was not in the mood for running at any reasonable pace today, but I pushed myself to the limits (for today) and painfully managed to grind out a time of 19:53 around the 4.45km (2.77m) Park Loop. The good news was that I missed all of the rain.
My first mile was only just inside 7 minutes with a time of 6:58, which meant that I had to really push hard, especially during the last 2km in order to get inside the 20 minute mark.
Start: 1:40 pm
Time: 19:53 Park Loop
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.428kmh (8.344mph)
Average pace: 4:28 per km (7:11 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 164, HRmax 175, and 312kcals
Unfortunatley, yesterday P Davies and S Gordon came up from MK to do some QFI performance testing, which involved me, which meant I effectively had to work right through lunch and miss my run. This was despite arriving in work at 8:20am (some 40 minutes early too). Not good eh?
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
A slow and wet Park Loop
Due to my work load, I did not get away from my desk until really late and also had not eaten. Not always a good idea running on empty.
Also, I was awoken a few times in the night by our Jessica Mae who's skin was obviously causing her some discomfort. So, either my wife or I got up to re-applied the lotion creams. Jessica Mae then went back to sleep. Lack of sleep is also not good preparation for a run. But then again Jessica Mae is more important.
Probably for these reason, I did not run that strongly today in the wet but still humid weather. There were many tree branches etc. that had suddenly become overgrown and I had to duck, run through or around them. John, you'd struggle around the Park Loop in places at the moment.
So, a slow time of 20:48 (7:31 mile pace) today is all I could manage. But as I always say, sometimes it's simply about putting one foot in front of the other.
Start: 3:23 pm
Time: 20:48 Park Loop
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 12.837kmh (7.976mph)
Average pace: 4:40 per km (7:31 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 157, HRmax 167, and 299kcals
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Just a walk today
However, my car failed to start this morning and required a jump start using my wife's car. This delayed matters and my 8:00am plan went a bit to pot. Jessica also needing feeding and Abbie needed to get to her Mum's too.
So, I drove to the garage with no rev counter, speedo, ABS etc. due to poor battey power. Made it though! Abbie later picked me up after going to her Mum's who fed Jessica on our behalf. What a morning!
This meant that I was in work late and only had 40 minutes for lunch, so I went for a walk for exactly that length of time, walking about 2.5 miles.
Oh yes, my alternator had become so faulty that it had melted! It had also caused damage to the battery. £267 lighter, my car is working again...
Start: 2:37 pm
Time: 39:42
Distance: about 2.5 miles
Heart rate: HRavg 85, HRmax 100, and 178kcals
Monday, 11 June 2007
No run today
We were given a prescription for a bath oil, body lotion, and face lotion which will definitely help.
We were using some Epiderm lotion which had in fact improved her skin condition but these other prescription lotions will obviously work better.
Friday, 8 June 2007
Another Sub-20 Park Loop Hat-trick
The roadworks on Stretton road had moved to just before the bus stop west of the school to just before the school entrance itself. A bit messy, but at least this allowed me to run the Park Loop.
I set off at a very good pace, determined to try and run another sub-20, completing my first mile in 6:49. I must admit it became harder due to the heat to keep going but mind over matter kept me going. In fact, I began to push harder from the exit of the Pewterspear Garden Path, completing the Park Loop in 19:39.
00:52 at 250 metres;
02:02 at 500 metres;
04:07 at 1 km;
06:49 at 1 mile;
08:25 at 2 kms;
09:26 at the halfway mark;
12:09 at the Pewterspear Garden Path (2,800 metres);
15:43 exiting the Pewterspear Garden Path;
19:39 at the finish.
Start: 1:44 pm
Time: 19:39 Park Loop
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.588kmh (8.443mph)
Average pace: 4:25 per km (7:06 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 165, HRmax 174, and 320kcals
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Hillside Run due to roadworks
The council are digging up most of Stretton Road at the moment, getting rid of the many pot-holes. This meant that the eastbound side of the road (including pavement) was coned-off from the School all the way down to the Oak Walkway entrance. In fact there was a large generator that was powering the traffic lights blocking most of the entrance to the Oak Walkway.
Considering that I would have to run around these roadworks, potentially running into or out of the traffic (depending on the traffic lights) and would have to avoid heavy machinery, before running right around the generator, I thought it was probably best to give the Park Loop a miss today.
So, I ran in the opposite direction, selecting the Hillside Run (Gmap) instead. At the halfway turn-around point my time was 9:21 and the completion time for the 4.19kms (including hopping over four stiles and crossing the same busy A49 road twice) was 19:02.
Start: 2:43 pm - another late lunchbreak!
Time: 19:38 Park Loop
Distance: 4.19km (2.60m)
Average speed: 13.208kmh (8.207mph)
Average pace: 4:33 per km (7:19 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 157, HRmax 170, and 273kcals
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Another Good Sub-20 in the blistering heat
I however, for some unknown reason ignored the temperature and put my best foot forward, completing the Park Loop in another respectable sub-20 time of 19:38 (7:06 per mile pace).
An 18 seconds improvement on yesterday's effort.
00:56 at 250 metres;
02:01 at 500 metres;
04:06 at 1 km;
06:42 at 1 mile;
08:21 at 2 kms;
09:21 at the halfway mark;
12:00 at the Pewterspear Garden Path (2,800 metres);
15:33 exiting the Pewterspear Garden Path;
19:38 at the finish.
Start: 3:05 pm - very late lunchbreak!
Time: 19:38 Park Loop
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.599kmh (8.450mph)
Average pace: 4:25 per km (7:06 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 166, HRmax 173, and 313kcals
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Park Loop on another hot day
My mindset was to run around the Park Loop in a comfortable time with consideration to the warm weather today. That was the plan...
However, I began well and continued at a steady and reasonable pace - all things considered.
At my usual two-minutes-ish to go check-point, my time was 18:03. In order to gain a sub-20, I increased my pace to a fast run for the remaining 450 metres or so, gaining back those important three seconds plus another four extra as well. My completion time was a pleasing 19:56 and exactly two minutes faster than yesterday.
Start: 1:36 pm
Time: 19:56 Park Loop
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.395kmh (8.323mph)
Average pace: 4:29 per km (7:13 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 163, HRmax 175, and 310kcals
Monday, 4 June 2007
A run in the sun
Start: 1:34 pm
Time: 21:56 (Park Loop)
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 12.173kmh (7.564mph)
Average pace: 4:56 per km (7:56 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 156, HRmax 163, and 310kcals
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Sandymoor + Bogg Wood Loop
Considering these facts and that I managed to sneak another Saturday run in following more weeding etc., I decided to jog rather than go mad running. A sensible time of 26:40 over the 5.34km distance.
Gmap of route.
Start: 6:06 pm
Time: 26:40
Distance: 5.34km (3.32m)
Average speed: 12.015kmh (7.466m)
Average pace: 5:00 per km (8:02 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 156, HRmax 165, and 382kcals
Friday, 1 June 2007
Any sub-20 will do!
Times compared with yesterday:
00:58 (+6) at 250 metres;
02:03 (+6) at 500 metres;
04:06 (+6) at 1 km;
06:42 (+6) at 1 mile;
08:21 (+10) at 2 kms;
09:23 (+12) at the halfway mark;
12:03 (+14) at the Pewterspear Garden Path (2,800 metres);
15:42 (+21) exiting the Pewterspear Garden Path;
19:55 (+28) at the finish.
At the exit of the Pewterspear Garden Path, I realised that my goal of a sub-20 was slipping away from me...
This was even more obvious at my "two-minutes to go marker", where my time was 17:59. This was too close for comfort, so I increased my pace just enough to finish with a time of 19:55.
Today's objective was achieved, which meant that I had completed three consecutive sub-20 Park Loop times.
Start: 2:16 pm
Time: 19:55 Park Loop
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.406kmh (8.330mph)
Average pace: 4:29 per km (7:12 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 168, HRmax 178, and 328kcals