Friday, 30 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 20:27
The Stats
Time: 20:27
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.056kmh (8.113mph)
Average pace: 4:36 per km (7:24 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 163, HRmax 171, and 315kcals
Thursday, 29 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 19:54
The Stats
Time: 19:54
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.417kmh (8.337mph)
Average pace: 4:28 per km (7:12 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 163, HRmax 175, and 307kcals
Wednesday, 28 June 2006
4.92km Wirral Seaside Run - June 2006
I met up with John again for the monthly Wirral Seaside Run. The evening weather was warm and humid, which had an affect on both of our times. Plus sometimes, if you're not in the right mood you're simply not going to perform to your best.
John's time was 21:13 and my time was 20:32. There were 146 runners who crossed the finish line.
My Stats
Time: 20:32
Distance: 4.92km (3.06m)
Average speed: 14.377kmh (8.933mph)
Average pace: 4:10 per km (6:43 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 172, HRmax 178, and 359kcals
Our Recorded Times:
1. 19:57 Mike on Wed 24 May 2006 at 07:00pm
2. 20:06 Mike on Wed 26 Apr 2006 at 07:00pm
3. 20:13 Mike on Sun 25 Sep 2005 at 11:00am
4. 20:16 John on Wed 26 Apr 2006 at 07:00pm
5. 20:17 Mike on Wed 24 Aug 2005 at 07:00pm
6. 20:32 Mike on Wed 28 Jun 2006 at 07:00pm
7. 20:38 Mike on Sun 23 Oct 2006 at 11:00am
8. 20:46 John on Wed 24 Aug 2005 at 07:00pm
9. 21:02 John on Wed 24 May 2006 at 07:00pm
10. 21:13 John on Wed 28 Jun 2006 at 07:00pm
11. 21:17 John on Wed 20 Jul 2005 at 07:00pm
Other Pictures: Click on any of them to enlarge.
The Seaside Pathway
See course map.
Tuesday, 27 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 19:09
I kind of pushed myself mentally a bit today, ignoring the brain signals for me to slow down, especially in the middle section of the run. It hurt running at today's pace... but did I managed to obtain my 4th best time ever for this course with a time of 19:09.
Having said that though, I would of probably managed a slightly better time had a dog not run at me at the 2km mark, causing me to almost come to a dead stop before being allowed to accelerate off once again. That aspect of the run was disappointing considering the effort I had been putting in. If it had not been for the dog incident, I may have crept into Bronze or even Silver position!

Above: Old Pewterspear Garden Path, 2900 metres and 12 minutes into today's run.
Click on the picture to enlarge it.
Knee Update
My knee is much better but still not 100%. I did not really feel it much whilst running, but I did afterwards for a little while.
New Top 4 Times
18:44 on 13-Dec-2005 (14.253kmh)
19:02 on 23-Mar-2006 (14.028kmh)
19:05 on 09-Nov-2005 (13.991kmh)
19:09 on 27-Jun-2006 (13.943kmh)
Today's Stats
Time: 19:09
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.943kmh (8.664mph)
Average pace: 4:18 per km (6:56 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 160, HRmax 197!, and 278kcals
Monday, 26 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 19:54
Although my knee is better, it was still niggling me and I was certainly reminded of that fact at the 1.2km and 2km mark when I momentarily felt some pain. Still, I got round in a sub-20 time, allbeit, I had to work harder which my kcals burned would suggest.
The Stats
Time: 19:54
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.417kmh (8.337mph)
Average pace: 4:28 per km (7:12 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 161, HRmax 174, and 299kcals
Friday, 23 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Clockwise in 19:57
My knee was still niggling me, especially during the last 2km. Hopefully a weekend rest should do the trick.

Above: The Oak Walkway wooden bridge, 3.4km into the run.
Click on the picture to enlarge.
The Stats
Time: 19:57
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.383kmh (8.316mph)
Average pace: 4:29 per km (7:13 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 160, HRmax 172, and 296kcals
Thursday, 22 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 20:48
However, I had decided at the outset to go steady today rather than possibly causing unwanted injury to my knee. So, I listened to my head and did exactly that. In fact, I found the run enjoyable, just trotting around at a much easier pace.
The Stats
Time: 20:48
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 12.837kmh (7.976mph)
Average pace: 4:40 per km (7:31 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 155, HRmax 164, and 291kcals
My kcals burned again was sub 300kcals! Like I have said before, I'll keep monitoring.
Wednesday, 21 June 2006
Rest Day
Also, I aquired the nj.exe virus on my work PC, that took me all morning to get rid of... eventually I worked out that the nj.exe and ej.exe had to be removed from my C: drive and bikini.exe had to be removed from my startup folder! So, even if I had been fit, it felt inappropriate to go off running at lunchtime when I had unfortunately wasted the morning removing this trojan!
Then, some time was additional consumed informing everyone that I am about to become a Dad as my wife Abbie is now 4 months pregnant with our first child.
Enough reasons there why I did not run today. Hopefully knee allowing, I will be back running tomorrow.
Tuesday, 20 June 2006
10.17km Pewterspear Loop + Park Loop Extra Anticlockwise in 47:39
It was very windy today, especially along the whole length of the Pewterspear Green Road, Longwood Road, and down the Pewterspear Old Garden Path which effected my overall time.
Checkpoint Times
Pewterspear Loop 19:58
10.00km 46:58
The Stats
Time: 47:39
Distance: 10.17km (6.32m)
Average speed: 12.806kmh (7.957mph)
Average pace: 4:41 per km (7:32 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 162, HRmax 170, and 723kcals
Monday, 19 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 20:01
It was raining (fine drizzle) for the first half of the run and then it cleared up and became rather humid once again.
The Stats
Time: 20:01
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.339kmh (8.288mph)
Average pace: 4:30 per km (7:14 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 156, HRmax 174, and 288kcals
My kcals burned was even lower today with a sub-290kcals! I'll keep monitoring.
Sunday, 18 June 2006
Cholesterol Test
Having never been tested for my cholesterol "number" before, I decided to give it a go - it was free after all!
My LDL cholesterol (Bad cholesterol) reading was 4.2 mmol/l and my HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) reading was 1.64 mmol/l. My total cholesterol reading was 6.25 mmol/l.
My estimated chance of developing heart health problems within the next 10 years is considered to be: LOW RISK. Although my LDL is high, my HDL is low. This basically means they kind of cancel each other out.
mmol/l = millimoles per litre.
Website Links
British Heart Foundation (
British Nutrition Foundation (
Diabetes UK (
Food Standards Agency (
H.E.A.R.T UK (
Vegetarian Society (
Friday, 16 June 2006
3.22 (2.00m) Park Loop Short Anticlockwise in 13:51
Due to the fact I had to allow time for me to walk back from the gym afterwards, I ran the Park Loop Short today at a reasonable pace of 13.949kmh. It was still warm and humid of course!

Above: The second wooden kissing gate on approach to Stoneacre Gardens having just crossed over the Pewterspear Green Road, 1.25km into the Park Loop run.
Click on the picture to enlarge it.
The Stats
Time: 13:51
Distance: 3.22km (2.00m)
Average speed: 13.949kmh (8.668mph)
Average pace: 4:18 per km (6:55 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 164, HRmax 175, and 218kcals
Thursday, 15 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 20:43 with John
The weather was again cloudy, but it was still quite warm and humid.
Something that I've recently noticed, is that my kcals burned during the Park Loop have fallen below 300 no matter what pace I run, which must mean that my HRavg and VO2 have improved slightly. I shall now monitor for this statistic more closely.

Above: Oak Walkway kissing gate exit, to cross over the Pewterspear Green Road, 1.2km into the run.
Click on the picture to enlarge it.
The Stats
Time: 20:43
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 12.888kmh (8.008mph)
Average pace: 4:39 per km (7:30 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 155, HRmax 168, and 290kcals
Wednesday, 14 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 19:22

Above: Oak Walkway after the first wooden bridge on the approach to the second wooden bridge before the exit onto the Pewterspear Green road, 1.1km into the run.
Click the picture to enlarge its view.
The Stats
Time: 19:22
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.787kmh (8.567mph)
Average pace: 4:21 per km (7:00 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 162, HRmax 172, and 298kcals
Tuesday, 13 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 21:21
So, I was not feeling at my best and it was still warm and humid. It was definitely going to be a "time on feet" run today!
Once I had completed my run, showered and changed, I noticed that the air temperature and humidity had dropped dramatically - I think there's going to be a storm on its way.

Above: Start of King Street Old Roman Road, 3.65km into the run.
Click the picture to enlarge its view.
The Stats
Time: 21:21
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 12.506kmh (7.771mph)
Average pace: 4:48 per km (7:43 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 154, HRmax 163, and 298kcals
Monday, 12 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 19:56

Above: Longwood Road, 2.5km into the run.
Click the picture to enlarge its view.
The Stats
Time: 19:56
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.395kmh (8.323mph)
Average pace: 4:29 per km (7:13 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 164, HRmax 172, and 310kcals
Sunday, 11 June 2006
Referees' Fitness Test

Having climbed out of bed at 6:35am on Sunday, I showered to feel clean and fresh. I then had a light breakfast before heading off at 7:40am for my referees' fitness test.
I arrived at the Trafford Athletics Stadium at 8:15am, a good 45 minutes beforehand and was the first person to arrive apart from the event organisers.
Once the first 12 referees had arrived, at about 8:30am, the organisers decided that we could start earlier. So, after a 10 minute warm up in the already baking hot morning sun we all lined up at the start line. I was runner number 8.
I led from start to finish which is sometimes difficult as you end up being the pace maker for the group and have no target person to help maintain or improve your own pace.
My first lap was 1:22, and after two laps my time was 2:54. I ran the mile in a time of 6:16. My total recorded distance after the 12 minutes Cooper Test was 3,000 metres exactly.
Despite the very warm weather, I felt that I had ran within myself and was very comfortable all the way round. But like you say, it's only the training that makes it easier.
We then did the two 50 metre sprints within 7.5 seconds to complete the test. It was all over for the first 12 referees by 9:00am. In fact, I was back home by 9:35am!
Time: 12:00 Cooper Test Standard
Distance: 3000 metres (1.864 miles)
Average speed: 15.00kmh (9.32mph)
Average pace: 4:00 per km (6:26 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 173, HRmax 181, and 170kcals
Friday, 9 June 2006
4.77km Park Loop (from work) Walk
So, a little exercise, which is better than a total rest day without burning myself out before Sunday morning's fitness test. The weather forecast suggests a blistering hot day ealier morning onwards on Sunday - great! Could do with it being a little cooler really.
Time: 49:18
Distance: 4.77km (2.96m)
Average speed: 5.81km (3.61mph)
Average pace: 10:20 per km (16:38 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 96, HRmax 114, and 299kcals
Thursday, 8 June 2006
Blood Pressure Test
I had to leave work a little earlier to go and have my blood pressure tested. This is a mandatory Football Association requirement before I can attend the fitness test this coming Sunday morning. The blood pressure test must have been performed no earlier than 14 days before the fitness test itself and the reading must be below 160 over 95. This blood pressure test must also be performed by an appropriate medical person.
My reading was 100 over 60 - so no problems there then!
So, yesterday was effectively my last run before Sunday, as I now plan to rest, carb load, sleep properly, and stay completely away from beer. So, that includes no drinking whilst watching England's opener!
I'll make up for it Sunday night!
Wednesday, 7 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 21:27

Above: Green Lane approaching Longwood Road, 2.4km in the run.
Click the picture to enlarge its view.
The Stats
Time: 21:27
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 12.448kmh (7.735mph) - Fast enough!
Average pace: 4:49 per km (7:45 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 159, HRmax 168, and 315kcals
Tuesday, 6 June 2006
3.22km (2.00m) Park Loop Short Anticlockwise in 13:40

Above: Church path exiting onto Stretton Road, 3.0km into the run.
Click on the picture for a better view!
The Stats
Time: 13:40
Distance: 3.22km (2.00m)
Average speed: 14.137kmh (8.784mph)
Average pace: 4:15 per km (6:50 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 165, HRmax 177, and 220kcals
Monday, 5 June 2006
3.22km (2.00m) Park Loop Short Anticlockwise in 14:09
3.22km Park Loop Short Anticlockwise in a time of 14:09 on another particularly very warm day.

Above: End of the Old Pewterspear Garden path, 2.3km into the run.
Click on the picture for a better view!
The Stats
Time: 14:09
Distance: 3.22km (2.00m)
Average speed: 13.654kmh (8.484mph)
Average pace: 4:23 per km (7:04 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 164, HRmax 172, and 221kcals
Friday, 2 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Clockwise in 19:28 (New Gold)
The final kilometre especially in the swelting midday heat was difficult, which did not help when I accidentally swallowed a large flying insect. Not nice at all - especially being a strict vegetarian!

Above: The King Street Old Roman Road exiting onto London Road, 800 metres into the run.
Click on the picture for a better view!
The Stats
Time: 19:28
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 13.716kmh (8.523mph)
Average pace: 4:22 per km (7:02 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 163, HRmax 174, and 299kcals
Thursday, 1 June 2006
4.45km Park Loop Anticlockwise in 20:54

Above: Heading towards Green Lane, almost 2.0km into the run.
Click on the picture for a better view!
The Stats
Time: 20:54
Distance: 4.45km (2.77m)
Average speed: 12.775kmh (7.938mph)
Average pace: 4:42 per km (7:34 per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 156, HRmax 169, and 296kcals