Sunday, 29 June 2008

Mojacar Tripple!

Whilst on holiday in Mojacar, I managed to get three runs in along the prom walkway that is 1 mile long (plus 43 metres to be exact), so I did multiple shuttle runs there and back.

Oh yes, I had to get up really early to avoid the heat that began to become warm at 7:00am and too hot by 7:30am! It was still reasonable warm and humid even at that time. I was definitely thankful for the light breeze.

Run 1: 13.23km in 01:05:06

25th June 2008 starting at 6:48am:

8 Shuttles, 13.23km (8.22 miles)
12.19 km/h (7.58 mph)
4:55 per km (7:55 per mile)

922 kcals, 156 HRavg, 162 HRmax
Exercise Light: 05:08, Moderate: 59:58, Hard 0:00

Notes: It began to get very warm as the sun began to rise higher into the sky by 7:05am and by 7:15 it was really warm.

Run 2: 10.00km in 00:47:37

27th June 2008 starting at 6:35am:

6 Shuttles (plus 80 metres), 10.00km (6.21 miles)
12.34 km/h (7.67 mph)
4:52 per km (7:49 per mile)

662 kcals, 152 HRavg, 160 HRmax
Exercise Light: 08:54, Moderate: 39:43, Hard 0:00

Notes: It was extremely humid from the very start of the run, but did in fact improve during my run - very strange.

Run 3: 16.53km in 01:25:53

29th June 2008 starting at 6:16am:

12 Shuttles, 16.53km (10.27 miles)
11.55 km/h (7.18 mph)
5:12 per km (8:22)

1137 kcals, 149 HRavg, 157 HRmax
Exercise Light: 32:48, Moderate: 53:05, Hard 0:00

Notes: It was still twilight when I began my run and I met waves of people walking home, some drunk, presumably shortly after a nightclub had just closed. They were just ending their day and going to bed at the same time I was just beginning my day with some healthy exercise. It was a very surreal experience. Then at about 6:30am-ish when the sun was rising and the daylight breaking people "got up" from the beach and made their way wherever they intended to go after a night on the beach.

As my run progressed, I saw street cleaners begin their working day, then people going for an early walk, to local people taking a morning stroll, to some heading off to work.

You don't get many runs like this one!

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