Friday 7 September 2007

6.79km Walk/Jog new route planning

I initially went for a walk along some new paths in order to plan a brand new much longer route called the Grappenhall Heys and Dingle Loop. However as time passed by this walk broke into a jog for the lat 1.5 miles.

I now have a 11.39km brand new route planned, where you only need to run along busy roads for 600 metres in total, the rest is tracks, common land, farmers fields, and woodland.

Start Time: 2:17 pm
Duration: 1:06:31 New Route Planning
Distance: 6.79 km (4.22 miles)

Average speed: N/A
Average pace: N/A
Heart rate: HRavg 102, HRmax 159, and 458kcals

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