Friday 14 September 2007

Sting like an... insect

Today, I ran a much shorter version of the Grappenhall Heys and Dingle Loop. It was 5.42km instead of the 11.42km version.

Basically the route is identical up to Dodds Lane. Then instead of running up Dodds Lane, I continued along Green Lane. The last part of the run is then identical to the last part of the Grappenhall Heys and Dingle Loop once you meet up with Dodds Lane for the second time after exiting the woodlane path.

I was not going that well, as my legs were still heavy from yesterday's run and I could feel my knee slightly too. Then 500 - 600 metres from the end of the run, some big insect landed on my leg and took a chunk out of it! The bite was quite large and I immediately felt stabbing pains like no other insect bite I've ever experienced before. I hobbled for the last 500 metres or so in quite some pain. My leg came up in a lump and a large area around the bite went a nice red colour. In fact my leg is still sore right now. I was only thankful that this occurred near the end of my run rather somewhere in the middle of it.

Start Time: 1:43 pm
Duration: 26:58 Green Lane Loop
Distance: 5.42 km (3.37 miles)

Average speed: 12.06 kmh (7.49 mph)
Average pace: 4:59 per km (8:00per mile)
Heart rate: HRavg 156, HRmax 166, and 382kcals

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