Above: 250 metres into the Park Loop run.
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Strange HR Readings
My heart rate monitor Wearlink Strap was a bit loose fitting the other day, so I tightened it up quite a bit - perhaps too tight.
My HR readings were very erratic, especially after reaching the halfway mark. My HR shot up to 183 and I was not working particularly that hard. Then on the flat towards the Old Pewterspear Garden path my HR dropped dramtically to 123 and I was definitely working harder than that! Then on the approach to and also during the Old Pewterspear Garden path my HR shot right up to 212 - don't think so! Later, on the homeward bound straight my HR dropped and remained at 167 - something more like what I would have expected.
Conclusion: Wearing the Wearlink Strap too tightly can give very misleading readings - you need some slack!
The Stats
4.45km (2.77m) in a time of 21:22, giving an average speed of 12.496kmh (7.645mph) and an average pace of 4:48 per km (7:44 per mile). HRavg 170? HRmax 212?, and 332kcals?
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